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Erin Soccer Club

Erin Soccer Club

Frequently Asked Questions

What is my player's game schedule?

2024 Fall Schedule will be available shortly

When is the Soccer Season?

Erin Soccer (KMSL) has a split season Fall and Spring.  Games are generally played on Saturday mornings. Some evening games may be needed.  Fall Season runs end of August thru the end of October.  8 games are played in the fall.   Spring Season has 7 games and starts end of March and runs through the end of May.  Practices start about 2 weeks before games start.  U6 players do not have games, but do practice once a week during the seasons.

Do I have to live in Erin to play or go to Erin Elementary?

No, Erin Soccer is open to anybody that has a love for soccer.  Erin Soccer is recreational club and not affiliated with Erin Elementary.

How do I sign my child up for Erin Soccer?

Registration opens Mid May for the following Fall/Spring Season and can be done through our website, 

What level will my child play?

Based on birthday, How old is your child at the deadline, August 1st for the Fall Session is how the level is determined.

U6 – Under the age of 6 as of 8/1

U7 – Under the age of 7 as of 8/1

U8 – Under the age of 8 as of 8/1

U9 – Under the age of 9 as of 8/1

U10 – Under the age of 10 as of 8/1

U12 – Under the age of 12 as of 8/1

U14 – Under the age of 14 (not in High School)

Sometimes due to circumstances a child may be asked to play up a level to form a team, or because of skill.   A child will not be permitted to play down unless there are special circumstances and it is approved by KMSL board.

What equipment is needed and do they wear a uniform?

·         U6- Uniforms are not required (all players will receive a participation t-shirt)

·         All other division players will need a Jersey and Green Socks (can be purchased at registration).  These Jerseys are yours to keep and can be used as long as they fit.  

·         Black shorts (90% black) are required as part of the uniform (you purchase separately)  If the weather is colder, black pants (90% black) can be worn also. (No Side Snaps)

·         Each player will need will need proper fitting shin guards and soccer shoes/cleats (no metal or baseball cleats allowed)

·         Each player should bring their own soccer ball and water bottle to every practice/game.

                U6/U7/U8 – size 3 ball

                U9/U10/U12 – size 4 ball

                U14 – size 5 ball

How are teams structured?

U6 – No scheduled games are played.  Players practice 1 night a week during the seasons.  Players  are taught fundamentals and usually scrimmage each practice.

U7 & U8 – plays in a 4v4 format – no goalie at this level

U9 & U10 – plays in a 7v7 format

U12 – plays in an 9v9 format

U14 – plays in a 11v11 format

When and where do they practice and play?

·         Practices and home games are played at the soccer fields by Erin Town Hall on Hwy. 83.

·         Practice days and times are determined by the coach but generally U7-U10 practice once a week for 1 to 1-1/2 hours.

·         U12 and U14 usually practice 2 times a week – maximum practice time per KMSL guidelines is 3 hours per week.

·         Erin Soccer plays in the KMSL League.  Most Teams are in Washington and a couple in Dodge County.  See Field Directions

·         Half the season games are played at home and half are away games. 

·         Tournaments:  Erin hosts the Leah Fenney Memorial each Fall.   Richfield hosts the KMSL tournament at the end of the Spring Season.  (Tournaments could be an additional cost)  These are not mandatory tournaments.

How will I be notified of what team my child is on?

A coach or team manager will contact you early August (usually by email)

Teams are chosen by age first.  If there are multiple teams for the same U level, teams will be split as evenly as possible. 

Sometimes due to circumstances a child may be asked to play up a level to form a team, or because of skill.

Weather and Cancellations

Please know that soccer will be played when it rains or if it is cold and windy outside.   Our season is limited and very tough to reschedule games.  Be sure to dress appropriately (additional clothing can be worn under jerseys)   Safety is still a top priority so the following guidelines are used in determining game cancellations.

·         If the weather goes bad just before game time it is up to the Referee to call the game.  We want to keep players, refs and spectators safe.  Of course the coaches can and should discuss with the referee, safety must be considered.

·         If Lightning is seen in the immediate area fields should be evacuated and re-evaluated after 15 minutes by the referee and coaches to see if play can be resumed.

·         If we have a large amount of rain prior to the game and the fields are unable to shed that extra water the game may be canceled.  Coaches or Field Director can make this determination.

·         The home field coach is responsible to call the visiting coach to let them know the game is cancelled.  If a visiting team coach does not hear from the home team coach they should assume the game is on and proceed to the field on time.

·         Spring time snow on the field, will result in a game cancellation.

Again, weather interpretation can vary.  Our players or parents should not make judgments at home and not show up.  Most notifications are done by email or phone call.

How can I help?

Coaches, assistant coaches and other parent volunteers are always needed to keep the club running.  The club requires parents to volunteer time in some capacity (unless you choose the buyout option) Please refer to the Volunteer section of our website.  If you have a special skill or service, please let the club know.  Also please remember Erin hosts the Leah Fenney Memorial tournament every fall and all families are need to volunteer to help keep it successful.  

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